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Phyllis Stewart | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Roy Lori 29-Sep-2024 03:28
Hey, the best cyber security i can recommend to you are webdrivers, i never though it was possible to recover any lost invested cryptocurrencies until webdrivers helped me recovered everything i lost on crypto investment in 2021 and 2022, All thanks to webdrivers, webdrivers only official email is
Guest 06-Apr-2016 14:06
Sorry, I didn't include contact info. You can private message me at the NW PAssages facebook page, or email:
Guest 06-Apr-2016 14:04
Hi Phyllis,

Would you mind if we included your wonderful photo of Brady's Bend with an article promoting the Old Bank Deli? We publish the free monthly email magazine, NW PAssages.


Stephen West
cafe18-May-2015 09:44
You have beautiful pictures! Thank you!
perte cheveux17-May-2015 12:00
I'm the man, but you're the master. Master of beautiful pictures...
Guest 31-Jan-2015 15:11
I Phyllis how are you? email me at (Formerly Trisha Foster Dunn)
D Larsen 21-Aug-2013 17:56
We have a Photo 42/150 of Storm Waves from 1984 is that one of your pieces?
The back of the matting reads The awesome storm waves kept coming......
During the winter of '83.
Thank you for your time and efforts on this question!
D Larsen
Guest 27-Jan-2013 01:41
Phyllis: I may have finally reached you. Much too complicated a task tor low tech types like me. My Email:
Sandrine 15-Aug-2011 02:17
HI, we're looking for a little boy Tibbie to join our family. I just adore Your Hector. Has anyone claimed this cutie yet? Is there any way to contact you? Congratulations onnsuch stunning babies!
Guest 20-Jul-2011 21:54
Hope all is well with you. Keep up the amazing work!
Jeff Real13-May-2011 23:28
Spending time strolling through your galleries is an experience that stays with me a long time. You are such an inspiration to me.
Andy Hill 30-Sep-2010 19:41
Phyllis the site is brilliant.please accept me as a new Inn dweller
Anne Vanstone 23-Jan-2010 20:35
Your tibbies are lovely. I'm hoping to find a show quality male soon and plan to contact you! Anne
Martine16-Feb-2009 00:28
Hi! I'm a girl from Norway, and I wondered if I might be permitted to use your beautiful animal photos in a website ? Its a website where you can be a member, and " create your own stable ". You create animals, and put pictures on the animals (Not for real, just a game ;-) ) For more info, you can take a look on; <-- Norwegian or <-- English.
I promise to use the photos with respect, and I can write on every animal that you have taken the picture! + link to your website! I love your photos! They are beautiful!
Sincerely Martine Olsen :)

Please answer on e-mail;

( I'm from norway, so I'm not that good in English. Sorry if there is a lot of typos ) ;-)
Hilarie Mcneil-Smith07-Aug-2008 01:19
Hi Phyllis! Long time no see. a little monarch butterfly brought me here.. great galleries!
Chris 19-Jun-2008 15:15
Hello there!
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your work~!!
Do you have any tutorials?
Thank you for sharing your work
John Willis Photography27-Feb-2008 17:15
Hi Phyllis - I have just had time to view a few of your galleries. I think you have captured some stunning scenes - love the snow ones. I will go back and look at more. Thank you for sharing your very creative and professional photography
Stephen Queen 27-Jan-2008 20:17
Hi Phyllis,
Steve Queen here from Sunny Scotland. I have came across your work today and I;m blown away by what you do. I have been searching for good viseo tutorials on Smudging for ages, but have not been able to find one. Do you know if a good video is out there which will help teach how to smudge?
Karsten Askeland24-Jan-2008 03:02
Hello Phyllis: I was recently introduced to the innographx site by Ken?? He had requested a couple of my barn pictures for the site. I have spent several days exploring the site and came across your pbase site. I am totally blown away with some of the editing you have done. It has really perked my interest. Thanks for sharing such interesting and unique pictures. - Karsten
Guest 18-Jan-2008 10:23
Hi Phyllis
Thank you for posting those wonderful paintings of Waterhouse. He was a truely outstanding artist and it is so nice to see a collection like this.Thanks for sharing!
All the very best, David :>)
missy_gardenwhimsy15-Jan-2008 06:00
Wonderful photography, Phyllis! I really enjoyed my visit! Thank you so much for your generous comments on my photos! Missy
Cathy 15-Jan-2008 02:14
Hi again :)

If you seach 'waterhouse models' on Google ... the article appears as about the third or fourth listing. The partial URL is:

Just thought that might help to locate it.

All the best,
Cathy 15-Jan-2008 01:24
Hi Phyllis, Wonderful images!
It seems, though, one of your images in your recent 'Paintings by John William Waterhouse' should be labeled 'Study for Lamia' instead of 'Study of Miss Muriel Foster'. I believe a website has it that way, but I will be contacting them to ask them to consider changing it. The study comes from a early 1900 era copy of 'The Studio' ... in that it is with the Lamia title. 'The Miss Muriel Foster' title came about incorrectly. A recently updated article about 'The Mysterious Models of John William Waterhouse' appears at It is a survey about his models. Muriel Foster is written about at the bottom of the page. Perhaps you will be able to change the image title to Study for Lamia? Thank you! Best wishes, Cathy Baker
alicialee07-Sep-2007 04:20
Hi Phyllis; Just came across your utterly stunning photo of a train engineer and would love to use it in some work I'm doing. If it's a possibility please contac me: lee-hay at for details. Thanks very much, Alicia, New Zealand
Karen Hoyt03-Sep-2007 22:23
I used to paint in pastels. Now with no time for that due to work and children I photograph. I would love to learn to play with my photographs to get different looks. Your work is wonderful. How did you get started?
thanks for ths comments.
Guest 01-Jul-2007 09:58
Hi Phyllis
Thank you so much for your wonderfully generous comments on my recent pictures which are really appreciated,especially coming from an artist/photographer of your standing! Your "painting" are tuely beautiful,keep up the good work. Best wishes, David.
Guest 26-Jun-2007 01:36
Phyllis, I am completely in awe of your talent with photo manipulation. In particular, I enjoy the work you do that appears to be a pencil sketch. The work you have done is simply amazing!!! I'll be voting my way through your pictures - thanks for sharing!

G. Phillips
Guest 16-Jun-2007 10:37
This is stellar work. If I ever see you, I might just ask for your signature.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 15:06
Stunning work.
Cheryl Blanchard09-Jan-2007 21:11
Beautiful galleries Phyllis! Excellent paintings.
Thanks for stopping by!
geoff nessbert 09-Dec-2006 23:14
very impressed thank you
Guest 06-Dec-2006 18:43
Impressed and inspired thank you
Guest 22-Nov-2006 07:38
You are truly an inspiration! Your work is amazing, unique, refreshing. Your skill is top-notch. I look forward to seeing many more of your awesome work! You're way up there with the top photo artists!
pr_rajan22-Nov-2006 07:00
Good Work
Guest 14-Nov-2006 09:55
I cant stop admiring your works. Much appreciation for your great talent. I'm a big fan. Have you come up with a book with your art works?
1moremile07-Aug-2006 23:33
Great talent you have for paintings. Very enjoyable again.
Phyllis Stewart12-Jul-2006 00:00
Lisa, I am now using a Canon Digital Rebel 300D.
lisa 11-Jul-2006 21:28
Nice pictures .
what camera do you use? thanks 27-May-2006 22:23
keep creating... Kris
Guest 26-May-2006 07:25
Thank you for visiting my gallery and posting a comment. Compared to yours I really feel like a absolute beginner. Congrats for your magnificent (and quantitative ;-) work. 23-May-2006 13:56
I'm surprised :). Lilly
Guest 22-May-2006 17:08
Thanks for stopping by my gallery and sharing the I found it really helpful.
Guest 21-May-2006 23:23
Thank you so much for the comments. Your work is amazing. It means a lot to receive such great feedback.
Mark_H08-May-2006 18:12
Thank you for your comments and encouraging words. I just don't know how you get time to do all the things you do and visit and many sites as you do. Thanks again.
Tib Talker II 05-Apr-2006 07:13
Lovely pictures of Tory and Lexy, Phyllis. Thanks for
the link. I'm sure you'll enjoy Tibbies & Friends. My
name is Frankie Moore and I have two "aliases" at T&F:
Tib Talker II and Spike's_Mum2 because MSN doesn't recognize
that I'm Tib Talker II when I come to the website, so I had
to establish another identity with
Judy Misquitta13-Mar-2006 15:49
And oh, thank you for all the encouraging comments as well :)You have no idea how much they mean to me!
Judy Misquitta13-Mar-2006 15:47
Phyllis, I'm happy to be a part of your forum and have learnt so much from you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! God bless you abundantly!
DelightfullyWistful 20-Feb-2006 17:16
Your sites design is really tremendous. Nice work.\
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal20-Feb-2006 08:29
Hi Phyllis,
thanks for the visit of our galleries and the commants on Our pictures.
You've got great pictures in your galleries, I like the nature shots the best.
Gr Rob.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife05-Feb-2006 13:57
Thanks for your messages. We are back and left all of this behind in the park.
Guest 11-Jan-2006 01:36
It was your picture of that lion and a squirrel that inspired me to begin smudging. I never saw anything so cool, and to think it comes from a digital photo! Thanks for the nice words on my first page. I have so many pictures, I need another week off to find them...hahahaha
Coleen Perilloux Landry02-Jan-2006 10:08
Thank you for visiting my Hurricane Katrina galleries and for your nice comments. The cleanup in New Orleans has just begun. It will take several years to get back in order, hopefully we can get back in order. The Lower Ninth Ward and most of Lakeview has not even scratched the surface yet. When you realize that 80 per cent of New Orleans sat under flood waters for at least two weeks you can appreciate the damage done and the emotional damage it has done to people. Houses and furniture in flood water can disintegrate quickly. The purpose of my galleries are to let the world see the suffering in New Orleans but also to show the resilience of its people in trying to rebuild their lives and the City.
Coleen Perilloux Landry
Anne 16-Dec-2005 17:12
O.K. Okay. Finally figured it out. You're able to think 'creative digital photography manipulation' and then whip off these works of near-genius art. (I'm still in the stumbling around stage.) You are awesome! THANK YOU for providing us with your amazing work.

(Used to live in Helena -- had two babies there. Thanks for the MT visit.)
Eldar Kadymov 30-Nov-2005 17:03
Hi Phyllis,

thanks very much for lovely coment on my Altafulla gallery. Please, let me know if you'd like to have any originals for your wonderful artwork, just send me a name of the picture or a link,

Michael 25-Nov-2005 03:14
Boy I love the internet where else can you go to look for retouching skin in photoshop and find an article from 2003 with so many talented people and examples of work. Using the smudge tool to create those works of art is a total mystery to me. I am in awe. The horse image you did was fantastic. I wish there were some type of videos on this. Thanks for sharing your great skills with others. =)
Sam Stevenson09-Nov-2005 00:03
Thanks for the kind comment on my "Minimalist" gallery.
Sam Stevenson
Renato Baggio 17-Oct-2005 12:08
Phyllis,errore di battitura la mia e-mail è:
P.S le mie foto sono state rinnovate.
Vixi 15-Oct-2005 16:20
Wat een prachtige vernieuwde website. Heldere opzet en ook een goede kleurstelling. Mooi.
Mijn complimenten!

Met vriendelijke groeten
RENATO BAGGIO 15-Oct-2005 13:33
Phyllis,sono Renato Baggio del Foto Club di Carmignano. Molto belle le tue foto, volevo regalarti una delle mie visto che ti son piaciute ma non ho la tua email per poterlo fare .La mia email personale è baggiorenato@ Visita anche il mio sito personale di pittura e scultura .Un grande saluto dall'ITALIA .Io abito vicino a VENEZIA.Ciao R Baggio.
uebersetzung-sprachservice 30-Aug-2005 13:56
Great site, thanks
Graham Tomlin27-Aug-2005 13:51
yes you may use the caption on your website, let me know when it's on there as i would like to see for myself
vic 09-Aug-2005 16:23
beeaaaaaauutiful work you are extremely talented
Guest 08-Aug-2005 20:47
Very creative. I love your work. Very enjoyable touring your gallery.
Keep up the good work.
Peter 29-Jul-2005 09:57
Great site, didnt see anything better!
Guest 20-Jun-2005 09:33
Dear Phyllis, I truly would like to learn more, to do better painterly work. I have been mostly foraging ahead with Impressionstic filters and Virtual Painter and those by trial and error. I tried Digital Nuts, but I was too strange for them, I guess. And maybe I should just plow along on my own.

I do mostly people. Photographs just bore me. It is not what I do, you know? My work is mostly with nude models. I try not to be vulgar. I think what I am doing is wrestling with angels in a way, dealing with wounds deeply laid in me years ago, trying to find peace in the beauty I see there in the aspects of women. I am a Viet Nam veteran. Guess that says it all or nothing at all.

I was wondering if you could point me in a direction? Maybe you could look at my stuff and say, "You ought to study what [fill in the blank] is doing..." or something like that? I don't want to copy anybody else's style, mind you. I think what we are doing truly is art (got some detractors posting to my site and guestbook - read Sophistical for a hoot -who disagree.) For that matter, I think your stuff is aces but I don't know if you teach or would even consider me, given my subject matter (and all the time you must spend gambling if the notes below are any indication.) *grin*

I shoot my own photos with a Canon 350D, have Photoshop CS, Corel Painter IX (not much practice with that), a smallish Wacom tablet, a scanner, Canon 9100 printer. I teach nuclear physics, radiation chemistry, and tech writing for a living. My models are all over 18, I pay them, and have model releases for each shooting. It is late. Thanks for reading this. You know of anyone likeminded or whatever, let me know. Okay?

Ellsworth Weaver
Galina Stepanova07-Jun-2005 20:42
I visit your galleries often and every time your creative digital art amazes me and I enjoy every picture I open. I also often (but passive) guest in your forum founding a lot helpful and useful information.
Thank you and my best wishes,
judi206-May-2005 00:33
I love your work Phyllis. I have admired it for a while----and now I am happy to be
a part of your forum......You have put together a top notch forum with loads of talented
people... and there is always "something new" happening around the INN...judi
Guest 15-Apr-2005 12:35
Thanks for stopping by my site. Glad you liked my politcal stuff! Pray that Clinton and Clinton dont get back in.

Guest 12-Mar-2005 04:00
I really enjoyed your people pics... excellent!
Mansour Mouasher03-Jan-2005 07:00
I enjoyed touring your galleries Phyllis. You presented nature in an artistic and professional way. I am impressed by the quality of your work. A job well done.
r_paul23-Dec-2004 03:31
Hi Phyllis,

I somehow lost your request for the eagle photo 37515964. If you could resend it to my address: I will get back with you. Thanks again for your compliments on the photo.

Paul (r_paul)
Guest 22-Dec-2004 19:30
Hi Phyllis, I saw your posting about the scantily dressed girl and totally agreed. I didn't see any art there either. But reading your post got me looking at your galleries and I just wanted to comment that you've got some great stuff. I'm just getting started with pbase so it's been fun to see other peoples stuff!

Guest 20-Dec-2004 10:08
My apologies if you receive multiple replies, I'm new to this forum software and think I may have pressed a few buttons too many. :-)
Guest 20-Dec-2004 10:05
Hi Phyllis and thanks for your comment!
I haven't uploaded many pictures yet, most of them are in my home gallery. I thought I'd keep the gallery here quite small and I haven't decided yet what further pictures to upload. I should pick a few more. :-)
Phyllis Stewart18-Dec-2004 18:43
Kris, so nice to hear from you! I have not yet uploaded the Bluegrass Festival pictures since I've been swamped with things that needed to be done for Christmas. The photos are on my computer, just sitting in a folder. Now that I have finished my "must-do" jobs, I have time to edit them and put them on Pbase, so thank you for the reminder! I will work on it right now, as a matter of fact! Check back in a day or two. :)
Kris Dillenbeck 18-Dec-2004 16:37
Hi Phyllis,

I was just wondering if you had a page from the Blue Grass Festival that was held in Marienville, PA this past summer. We met while I was listening to the wonderful music and knitting dish clothes. You were kind enough to give me your email which allowed me to view your website. I had know idea that I was talking with such an accomplished photographer!!! Your work is beautiful!!
If you have an opportunity, would you email me when the Blue Grass Festival webpage is ready to be viewed.

Thank You. Have a wonderful holiday.
Kris Dillenbeck
Mt. Jewett, PA
Lisa05-Oct-2004 17:48
Wonderful work...I like stopping by your galleries from time to time to see all of your new creations and there are many. Just fantastic work all the way around.
Galina Stepanova30-Sep-2004 20:38
you are wonderful photographer and artist.
This note just to tell you that I enjoyed your work a lot.
My best wishes,
Guest 22-Sep-2004 20:36
Hi Phyllis, I'm trying to login to
and it says 'frobidden' Is the website and challenges still going on?? Pls email me.
Tony Dalton28-Jul-2004 08:42
Phyllis, I am extremely impressed with the creativity and quality of your work. Your gallery of flowers is one of the nicest displayed on Pbase. I enjoy landscapes and again you present some excellent shots. Great work throughout!!!
Lisa13-Jul-2004 15:38
Hi Phyllis! Thank you for stopping by my galleries. I enjoyed working with your animals as they are beautiful shots. I haven't been doing anything other than practice with my new camera as I really want to learn how to take decent photos. It has been a humbling learning experience, to say the least, but a lot of fun. The hard part was trying to keep myself from manipulating anything in PS. It's been hard for me to separate two.
Phyllis Stewart07-Jul-2004 06:19
Wayne, thanks, and I have put tutorials on colorization on the web. See the Retouching Tutorials forum at I believe there are three there now...a general one, one on skin, and one on hair.
Guest 07-Jul-2004 04:40
oops i meant to say you SHOULD...
Guest 07-Jul-2004 04:39
i'm very impressed with your colorization of b/w photos. you make an online tutorial.
Guest 15-Jun-2004 06:45
wow! i love your photographs. your ability is amazing. thanks!
bluewatermonk07-Jun-2004 23:45
WOW Phyllis...Just browsing here. And every time I clicked I was faced with another wonderful surprise!!! Just had to add you to the favorites!!
Guest 26-May-2004 15:21
I think the snow scenes are absolutely beautiful
Guest 25-May-2004 12:09
Hi Phyllis,
Thank you very much for your comments of my photos. Many thumb-ups for your amazing galleries. I love your beautiful cats and children photos. I honour you by adding you as my first favouirte artist. Many thanks.
Sing Lo
Guest 25-May-2004 04:20
Hi Phyllis,
Thanks for the nice comment on my animal pics :) It was quite a coincidence that you left this for me because I have been admiring your work for the last couple of weeks!As a matter of fact, Last Friday I showed your SHOES story to the kids in my fourth grade class. They thought it was wonderful and that you should definitely get it published. One of my little boys even brought one of his kindergarten buddies in our room to read it to him. We all got quite a chuckle out of it.

Keep up the good are an accomplished photographer with a wonderful imagination and sense of humor!

You are saved in my book as a favorite :)

Keith 12-May-2004 08:27

Your art work is awsome! How can I learn how you have achieved your amazing affects on your subjects? Thanks for the beautiful images.

Dan17-Apr-2004 00:43
Thanks for the comment on my image. You have many great images on your site.
Guest 02-Apr-2004 20:54
Phyllis – Able to take great photos at a single bound, able to stop a raccoon and make him/her pose, AND now I discover a writer of children’s books also. Your talent is amazing. - john
Marisa Livet01-Apr-2004 07:48
It's always a pleasure to find your comments in my galleries!
Thank you and keep on with your so personal and enjoyable style of pictures!
George Jr27-Mar-2004 23:15
Phyllis, Thank you for commenting on my birds.
Your Galleries piqued me with the Iron City Beer Story. I enjoyed it and more so for my origin years ago in Mt. Lebanon. Besides my sister still lives there with her daughter Brit who probably does consume a Tad too much of the stuff in college. I am a Nature guy and fairly 'nonmanipulative' but I put my wife onto this since she loves to diddle in PS. This may give her some structure to be unstructured.
Mark Elert12-Mar-2004 21:19
Thanks!!! With your flattering comments I will feel like a king for a week. I've seen your pictures in the "Populars" before, but now took some time to browse your galleries. I like it! You have such a variety, beautiful natural scenary, portraits, and HUMOR! Sometimes I think I (and many others) are too serious about what we do. Wanting to catch that breathtaking scenary, not taking our picture with a big smile. Sometimes I am convinced that my six year son has more interesting motives than I do. Your pictures were inspiring! Best regards Mark
Guest 12-Mar-2004 04:56
so beautiful!!
welcome to my web
I come from Taiwan, nice to meet you!!
Karl Schrader09-Mar-2004 19:47
Phyllis you have created a wonderful group of galleries - almost without exception they reflect a unique photographic style which I find refreshing and a joy to view. Thank you.
Karl Schrader
Vincent Belford05-Mar-2004 14:45
Wow Phyllis, great galleries!
Lim Yaohui26-Feb-2004 16:26
you have very nice photos in your gallery
you have turned photography into another form of art through your editing
hope to see more photos from you.
Talib 22-Feb-2004 05:00
Dear Phyllis,

I was facinated with the etching effect. I looked for a tutorial on it but couldn't find it. Any hints?

paul yung15-Feb-2004 17:44
Very interesting work; never sen anything like yours before. Thanks for posting and references to the two web sites you mentioned from your pages. I will be learning from you.

Jeanette Butler13-Feb-2004 00:13
Hi Phyllis,

I just saw your comment posted on one of my images in PUG. Thank you. I've enjoyed looking at your work. There is a great deal of passion in your work which is a joy to behold.

Marisa Livet24-Jan-2004 20:48
Dear Phyllis,
I feel really encouraged by your attention and nice comments on my gallery, I'm quite far from your technical skills and I think I'll never be able to use all the tools that allow fascinating photo manipulations as you can do so well, but I'm trying hard to improve little by little and to express my own impressions and feelings also through my pictures.
Thank you for visiting my galleries, all comments on my work will be always highly valued and gratefully welcome.
Have a nice weekend
Al 04-Jan-2004 15:10
How do you spell ubiquitous?
Dias dos Reis27-Dec-2003 13:00
Hi Phyllis,

It´s great to admire these works with the original stamp of creativity.

Anna Yu24-Dec-2003 12:05
Hi Phyllis and here is a greeting for the holidays. Thank you for sharing the PS tips and although they are too advanced for me this year, I will perservere (sorry I can't spell that) and study your galleries more in the future. Merry Christmas!
Guest 19-Dec-2003 11:09
I wish I had a facility for PS like you have. It's simply staggering, and I'm very envious. Congratulations at a great collection of images :) And don't let anyone tell you different!
Paul Keates15-Dec-2003 21:38
Hi Phyllis,
Thank you for your very kind comments on my images.
I have just looked through your galleries, and adore the ones of the children.
Well Done,
Kind regards,
Mateo Hevezi13-Dec-2003 00:48
Great shots and very funny ... Fun With Beer
Phyllis Stewart28-Nov-2003 23:18
You guessed it--Photoshop and a LOT of time! No secrets though. I have written several tutorials about how to do retouching on my site at
Bhupesh Rathod 28-Nov-2003 19:40
WOW !! That is some amazing work you have done on retouching the images. Do you just use photoshop and a lot of quiet time, or is it a trade secret :)

Once again, you have a gift. Well Done !!

Guest 23-Nov-2003 20:08
Hi Phyllis. Thank you for taking the time to look through my galleries and comment! I really like what you've done with flowers as well!

bclee12321-Nov-2003 00:36
Thanks for the nice remarks on my gallery. It's much appreciated. You have one hell of an imagination. Keep in touch.

Guest 19-Nov-2003 21:13
Hi Phyllis! Please excuse me that I called you Stewart! I thought first this would be your first name! Phyllis, thank you so very much for your kind words you wrote me in my nature album! I really loved and appreciated your comment! God bless you, Erik from Switzerland
Guest 17-Nov-2003 22:26
Gracias por tu opinión
Tus fotos son de una gran creatividad
Ernst Sch17-Nov-2003 21:16
Thank you, Phyllis,
for your comment at my gallery of animated water. You have done quite some work in your galleries. Outstanding !
Diane Ramsey16-Nov-2003 01:30
Thank you very much for your comments on my galleries, Phyllis. I do this strictly for my own enjoyment and I'm always "surprised" and pleased if someone takes the time to comment on my efforts. Have learned much from others - I enjoyed your galleries very much.
Ken Chambers ARPS12-Nov-2003 21:29
I am new to pbase, so I have only just found your site. What wonderful work ! I will certainly try to create something to show. But I think you are an impossible act to follow.
Thanks for sharing with us mortals.

Guest 31-Oct-2003 17:17
Great work!
Having played around a little bit with all sorts of photos I can honestly say that I find your work AMAZING. Made my day! Thanks for doing it, i'll be visiting again for sure.
Phyllis Stewart31-Oct-2003 05:27
Julian, to get the answers to that question, see my photo art site at where the brushes were posted. If you join the site (free) you may ask this question in the Photo Art Discussion forum and folks will help you. There are MANY ways to use brushes for photo art, ranging from mask overpainting to art history brush to texture painting to painting in various modes to...well, lots of ways! :)
Julian Hebbrecht30-Oct-2003 14:46
Hi Phyllis,
I like your work but I have a question. I downloaded the impressionist brushes that Gina from Anwerp made but I have no idea how to use these brushes to create digital art work. What are the settings in Photoshop after you upload the brushes? How do you convert a digital image into an artwork with one of these brushes? Could you please tell me how to do this or where to find information about this?
Julian Hebbrecht
Danny Brison25-Oct-2003 11:17
Hm, I like that. Nice work.
Fleas 09-Oct-2003 16:22
Phyllis, I am surprised and amazed at your work. Good job!! Fleas
Lisa15-Sep-2003 00:41

Your work is OUTSTANDING!!! I'd love to know how you did the rose...

Don Northup07-Sep-2003 01:46
Your galleries are looking very nice Phyllis. Very professional looking stuff you have here. Ver good show indeed.