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Chris Spracklen's Recent Galleries

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03-Mar-2025 10:18
Humour ~ plays on words, etc.
:: Humour ~ plays on words, etc. ::
25-Feb-2025 17:13
Latest shots
:: Latest shots ::
23-Feb-2025 20:56
Paris 2024
:: Paris 2024 ::
15-Feb-2025 21:12
Birds of prey
:: Birds of prey ::
14-Feb-2025 00:41
Birds in the U.K.
:: Birds in the U.K. ::
15-Aug-2024 22:34
English Churches
:: English Churches ::
05-Oct-2018 23:38
Dorset villages and landscapes
:: Dorset villages and landscapes ::
14-Aug-2018 09:10
Best flowers
:: Best flowers ::
03-Nov-2017 00:32
Stourhead in all its glory!
:: Stourhead in all its glory! ::
04-Nov-2016 15:16
Panoramas ~ GO LARGE!
:: Panoramas ~ GO LARGE! ::
29-Oct-2015 08:10
Canada 2015
:: Canada 2015 ::
25-Jun-2015 10:52
Spain 2015
:: Spain 2015 ::