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Jarek M | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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cbsteffen17-Nov-2016 23:26
I love your photos.
hermankervel19-Mar-2014 08:42
nice pictures
Guest 18-Nov-2012 18:39
Jerek, First time I see your beautiful gallery. I like to invite yu to see mine, at WWW.ARTWANTED.COM/DIGISCAPE For you to know, I'm 87 yrs. old and was born in Mnagua, Nicaragua.Came to the USA when I was 20 yrs. old. Wish you the best and take good care. Regards., Bert o Humberto
Guest 30-Dec-2010 12:45
Beautiful gallery Jarek, it's pleasure to visit and look all your interesting work ! Bravo
Happy New Year 2011.

Bogdan Doro¿ko 22-Dec-2009 08:33

gratulujê, œwietne zdjêcia. Przy nastêpnej wizycie w Polsce zapraszamy do Olsztyna - oczywiœcie z aparatem. Pamiêtam, ¿e tam lata³eœ na jakiejœ III lidze.

Weso³ych Swi¹t!
Jeffrey Lewis Knapp19-Dec-2009 06:48
hi Jarek. I vote. Great pictures. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Happy Holidays. God bless you. Jeff K
Jaime González08-Sep-2009 07:49
Hi Jarek,

I really enjoyed looking through your very interesting work, it is a pleasure for the senses.

Elzbieta07-Jun-2009 22:14
Kolejny dowod pokrewienstwa artystycznych dusz - cudowne zdjecia kwiatow, ktorym towarzyszy cytat Alberta Schweitzera, autora epokowej monografii wielkiego Johanna Sebastiana Bacha. Nic dodac, nic ujac...
Guest 27-Apr-2009 12:14
super fotki
Guest 08-Dec-2008 23:08
Bardzo podoba mi sie Twoja galeria.Ogladalam ja z wielkim zainteresowaniem.Gratuluje!lism
Guest 14-Apr-2008 13:30
Hello Jarek, just browsed through some of your galleries.Coming from Melbourne myself but living in Europe for many years, you`ve brought a little bit of home to me and I thank you for that.Isn`t Australia the most beautiful country................homesick! Who me???? Keep coming with your photo`s.They are a delight to see.Maybe one day we`ll meet at Brighton Beach or Doggy Beach.I`ll be the one with a photo backpak and camera hanging from her neck.Good luck with your photography.You`ve got some wonderful galleries.
Best wishes Helen
Darbowski23-Dec-2007 19:15
Merci de tes visites et de tes commentaires.
Je reviendrais régulièrement voir tes galeries que j'apprécie beaucoup.
A bientôt.
Guest 23-Nov-2007 00:42
Excellent work, and nice composition, I enjoy to visit your galleries...
Thank you for singing my guestbook. I appreciate.. and enjoyed your visit in my galleries.
Barry S Moore14-Nov-2007 13:10
Hi Jarek,

Thanks for signing my guestbook. I have enjoyed the brief visit to a great collection of images and will look further.

regards Barry
Romek 26-Oct-2007 06:04
Znakomita galeria, masz ciekawe spojrzenie na swiat. Wiekszoœæ obrazów nie do powtórzenia. uchwyci³eœ w kadrze jakby "przelatujace komety" (widaæ je ale ju¿ one polecia³y!)
Guest 02-Oct-2007 14:17
Excellent examples of a good eye for subject and composition. Enjoyed my visit to your pages.
Bill Parsons.
Guest 15-Aug-2007 20:37
Very nice work!
Guest 15-Jun-2007 10:11
Lovely work. Share more please.
Guest 10-May-2007 10:56
Dear Jarekem,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:34
Thoroughly enjoyed your work. Thank you for sharing.
Norbert Fortelny01-Mar-2007 13:53
Great graffitis you got there "down under".
Enjoyed them
Guest 28-Feb-2007 14:24
I really like your pictures :)
Justin Kim27-Feb-2007 06:51
Thanks for your encouraging words on my galleries,Jarekm.
I enjoy your work very much and will stop by often!
Guest 05-Jan-2007 12:35
Hi Jerry, thanks a lot for your so kind words,. Please feel free to make a comments under my images/galleries,. I was a pleasure to go trough your very very nice collection as well. Cheers,. J.
Chris Hillman05-Oct-2006 12:42
Enjoyed looking through your galleries and making myself homesick, nothing like the Australian countryside anywhere else in the world.
Antoni Czy¿ewski 19-Sep-2006 20:01
Zachwycamy siê galeri± i oryginalnym ujêciem piêkna ze szczególnym uwzglêdnieniem wra¿liwo¶ci na szczegó³y. Proszê dbaæ o rozwijanie swego talentu. Pozdr. Ant. z Krakowa oraz Lesz z Melb.
Salah El-Sadek09-Aug-2006 12:00
Brilliant galleries and superb shots.. Congratulations
Bernard Bosmans22-May-2006 23:49
Thanks for visiting my galleries and your keen observations.
It's a small world after all, fancy discovering your workplace at number 150 on one of my shots. Regards.
Tad Janocinski 30-Apr-2006 09:25
Tadesz sie klania. Twoja namowa odpisuje na wszystkie notki z podzieka za mile slowa.Mam nadal kilka pytan odnosnie galeri ale to prz okazji.tymczasem zapraszam do owiedzin sporo ostatnio pozmienialem tak wiec mozesz nie poznac Niskie oklony Tadeusz
Arno Meintjes Wildlife06-Mar-2006 05:06
Thank you for the visit and comment. Please have a look at :
Weather over the weekend in the Kruger National Park
Guest 05-Mar-2006 17:09
Thanks for your nice comments about my photos :) your photos are very nice :)
Jean-Claude Liehn27-Jan-2006 04:04
I just discover your galleries. It is funny how we made sometimes the same photos at different parts of the world. The pictures on our profile page are very similar, and many of the subjects we choose are the same. Your are now in my favorite list. Jean-Claude, Reims, France.
barbarajoy19-Jan-2006 22:34
Thank you for your query re the picture of the Flame Tree at Parramatta, Sydney, NSW. I think it's correct common name is the Illawarra Flametree and it featured on an 18 cent Australian stamp in 1978.
A.Jarosz 15-Jan-2006 19:27
Cze¶æ Pozdrowienia z Polski! Dziêki za komentarze do zdjêæ... Niestety nie ja jestem "tym" Andrzejem Jarosz kt orego zna³e¶ nie mniej zapraszam do
P.S. Masz ¶wietne zdjêcia, pozwolê sobie jeszcze zagl±daæ do Twoich galerii...
Wendy10-Jan-2006 10:45
Hi! thank-you so much for your gallery comments. Great to hear from a fellow Melbournite. Interesting to see another photographer's take on similar locations! Your photos are a credit to you! Cheers, Wendy
sandra 08-Jan-2006 22:59
here is sandra from germany. im over 16 years a very big PICNIC AT HANGING
ROCK fan.
i will send you the link of my german PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK page:

i hope you like my page that contains many beautiful pictures and to
beautiful music in the backround. im so happy when you can post a link to my
site. this is the biggest PICNIC site in the internet. a site made by a fan

Guest 04-Jan-2006 10:24
Hi mate.
you got a awesome website..
Vilone01-Jan-2006 15:17

Best wishes for you & a happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest 11-Dec-2005 13:23
Interesantes fotografías.
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde España
Guest 23-Nov-2005 23:36
Hello Jarek,

thanks for the information about the fiat car.
I didn't know that.

Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography22-Nov-2005 22:02
to ostani obraz ,który pope³ni³am onegdaj.A onegdaj by³a dawno.
Bardzi siê ciesze ,¿e Ci siê podoba.Pozdrawiam,serdecznosci Matylda
Guest 13-Oct-2005 12:30
maybe someone could start a Melbourne group,eh... watcha reckon... like your tulips, very nice

