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Julian Williams | all galleries >> Julian Williams's Galleries >> Old Jacksonville, Ga.- Where History Lives > The Old Willcox Mansion - Pennsylvania
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The Old Willcox Mansion - Pennsylvania

Thomas Willcox was a religious man. Catholic Mass was held in this home in one of the front rooms on the right until a church could be built. As some of the Willcoxes moved South they filtered into other denominations as well.

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Guest 13-Feb-2011 22:30
This will be the site of a reunion of the family Willcox descendants in June 2011. The home is still standing and is now a national historical site. Many of the descendants still live in the greater Philadelphia area and my parents lived on the third floor of the home in the early 1950's. The church that the Willcox family started, St. Thomas, is also still standing and only a half mile away. The graveyard still exists in a small enclosure in a wooded area not far up the hill from the home. If you're near Delaware County Pennsylvania head to Ivy Mills and see the homestead.