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Julian Williams | all galleries >> Julian Williams's Galleries >> Old Jacksonville, Ga.- Where History Lives > Ivy Mills Paper Mill - With Labels
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Ivy Mills Paper Mill - With Labels

Thomas Willcox started his paper mill in 1729, the same year his friend Benjamin Franklin started his printing press a few miles away in Philadelphia. Some Willcox descendants made their way down to NC and on to Georgia. These families are still living in the Jacksonville, Georgia (Telfair County) and surrounding areas.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Charles kilgore 11-Mar-2012 00:10
I think I went to high school with your mother class of 62hawkinsville ga- would love to hear from her. or 706-540-2458
Chris Williamson 06-Jul-2011 13:16
My mother, Sandra Willcox Williamson, was raised in Hawkinsville, GA (Pulaski County) and her father, William Willcox was born in Eastman, GA (Dodge County). We are descended from the Willcoxes that went to NC, where our ancestor helped create the city plan for what would become Fayetteville (then Campbellton), and who later moved to GA. Her family all grew up in Hawksinville, although three of her four siblings live in Oregon, Texas, and Arizona. She and one brother still live in Georgia, although he recently returned form several years living abroad, including in the Czech Republic and then China. I live in Melbourne, FL, and my brother lives near Atlanta. Our mom traveled to Ivy Mills a few years ago to visit the ancestral home. I would be interested to hear from any other distant family if any are still in the area or elsewhere. I can be reached at