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Julian Williams | all galleries >> Julian Williams's Galleries >> Old Jacksonville, Ga.- Where History Lives > Jacksonville's Veterans Memorial
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Jacksonville's Veterans Memorial

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Guest 25-Jun-2010 01:50
Yes Julian, Thank you and the many folks that have helped and built all of the signs and pictures on them. And Yes my father J.B.Wells left Jacksonville to be in the Navy for some fought in world war two and was on a ship that was hit by a suicide plane that exploded on impack and left my father deaf in one ear and had scrapnul removed from his back and arm.after he returned home from the war he spent the remainder of most of his time at Glynco Navel Air station until 1962 when in retired.He met my loving Mother Eula L Wells while they were both going to school at ABAC in Tifton not long after high school.After they were married for a short time that is when he left for the war.He passed away in Feb. of 1995 and is burried there at Block house Baptist Church where many of his brothers and sisters and his mother Cora and father Jasper Brooks have been laid to rest. each time that I visit the small farm that He and my mother bought I ride over and visit the cemetery and pay my respects to each of my many kin folks who have past over the years. Julian, you take care and may God Bless You and All of the Folks that made this posiable for people like me and others to learn and see things of the past that took place there Sincerly,Mike wells in Brunswick,Ga.31520 or e-mail me at
Thomas Swain 21-Mar-2004 01:30
Thanks for the pic, Julian. i'm sure that the City of Jax. is very proud of the memorial. I must add, as I am feeling very close to the township, I am also proud. I'm sure that one of my relatives found there way to one of the regional enlistment centers to serve in someway.
Keep in touch,
TS 3/20/04