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Welkom op mijn site waar ik mijn passie, voor vogels en zeldzame vogels in Nederland, wil delen via mijn foto's.

Welcome to my site where I my passion, for birds and rare birds in the Netherlands, want to share through my pictures.

Klik hiernaast op "E-mail to Co" als je mij wilt mailen:

Twitching birders, mostly in the Netherlands
Twitching birders, mostly in the Netherlands
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2025 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2025 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2024 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2024 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2024 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2024 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2023 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2023 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2023 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2023 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2022 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2022 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2022 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2022 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2021 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2021 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2021 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2021 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2020 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2020 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2020 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2020 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2019 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2019 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2019 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2019 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2018 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2018 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2018 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2018 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2017 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2017 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2017 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2017 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2016 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2016 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2016 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2016 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2015 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2015 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2015 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2015 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2014 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2014 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2014 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2014 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2013 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2013 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2013 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2013 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2012 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2012 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2012 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2012 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2011 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2011 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2011 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2011 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2010 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2010 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2010 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2010 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2009 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2009 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2009 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2009 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2008 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2008 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2008 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2008 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2007 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2007 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2007 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2007 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2006 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2006 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2006 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2006 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2005 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2005 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2005 by Co van der Wardt
Birds 2005 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 1990 by Co van der Wardt
Rare Birds in the Netherlands 1990 by Co van der Wardt