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Profile for Alan Clements
Name Alan Clements (joined 01-Sep-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username clements
Personal URL
Location Middlesbrough, England
Middlesbrough, England
View Galleries : Alan Clements has 296 galleries and 42762 images online.
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Message from Alan Clements
For 30 years I've taken slide photographs of my vacations and shown them to friends and relatives. These photographs were largely intended to remind me of the places I'd visited.

Now that I've discovered digital photography, I can go beyond keeping a record of my travel. I can look at the world with new eyes and see things I've missed for the last 30 years.

I sometimes take aerial photographs. I learned to fly light aircraft and occasionally rent a Piper Warrior or Archer. Unusually, I can fly but I never learned to drive a car.

I have graduated from a Canon D60 to a 20D. The improvement between these two cameras is quite amazing. In November 2005 I bought a Canon 5D. This is a 12 Mpixel camera with a full-size sensor. That means you get more resolution but it lacks the magnification factor of the 20D. That's a mixed blessing.

In real life I am a professor of computer science at the University of Teesside in the North of England. Many of my pictures are taken in the USA because I go there several times a year in connection with my work for the IEEE Computer Society.

I welcome any comments you have on my work. If you'd like an original copy of a photograph please let me know. I don't object to people using my work for non-commercial (or charitable) purposes provided that it's attributed to me.
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