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§õ³¹´¼ 18-Dec-2008 03:04
WRONG 01-Dec-2007 03:19
hi·P«_¦n¤F¨S ¥i¥H¸ò¦Ñ¤½¥hªw´ö ³Ü¤j¶qªº¤ô´N¥i²¬Â¡¤F ³o¬O§Ú¥X°ê®È¦æªº§®¤è §Ú°O±o¦³¦n´X¦¸¤F ¦³¤@¦¸¦b¥¬¹F¨Ø´µ ¤Ó¦­°_§É ³}³}¨º¤@®y¦³¦WªºÃì¾ô¤§«á ´N¤£¹ï«l¤F §Ú´N¦^YHA¬~¤Fªñ1¤p®Éªº¼ö¤ô¾þ ´NOK¤F ÁÙ¦³°t¦X¨í²ï ¦Y¶À½¬½¦Ån ºÎ¤@ı¸û¨S¨Æ¤F ¤×¨ä©p¸ò¦Ñ¤½³o¼Ëªº¤j¦£¤H §ó¬O¨SªÅ¥Í¯f ¬Ý¤F§Aªº³¡¸¨®æ¦n¹³¬Ý¨ì¦Û¤v¨S¦³§¹¦¨ªº¤ßÄ@ ®È¦æ¥i¥HÅý¥Í©RÀéÄê your classmate WRONG
Marie Ng Inn Leng 31-Oct-2007 14:30
I am a die hard fan of Snoopy. How do I get to Snoppy World and where is Snoppy Hotel in Taiwan? I couldn't wait to see them all and of course, charlie brown, lucy, linus, woodstock etc.
Guest 12-Mar-2007 07:16

Todd Schulz29-Oct-2006 16:06
I enjoyed your galleries, thanks for sharing.
Tom, T.C. Yang 10-Oct-2006 05:12
Hi Meggie,


Guest 03-Oct-2006 00:41
Great job! You are a talented artist.

Boogier Chen/½Þ¥Íª¯¾i¿ß±a¤j22-Jun-2006 06:40
HI Maggie

§Ú¥Ø«e¬O¨Ï¥ÎªºNIKON D-100¤w¬O¾÷°Õ

Boogier Chen/½Þ¥Íª¯¾i¿ß±a¤j14-Jun-2006 00:25

«Üºëªö¡ã 12-Jun-2006 10:01
Sehr nützlich, informativ und anschaulich!
Guest 04-Jun-2006 20:13
hi maggie,

thanks for wisiting my galleries and for nice coment.
i was also looking at your gall. and i see you traveled a lot.
also you have been in my neibhour country italy.
i wish you all the best, maks dezman from slovenija
Richard Haas 13-Dec-2005 13:00
could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
Rick 28-Nov-2005 06:29
Hey Maggie,
ÁÂÁ±zªº¤j¤O¬Û§U ¬Oªº~§Ú¦^¨Ó¤F¡C
¥u¥i±¤¦b Boracay ¨S¦í¨ì Friday Hotel... ¨º¤Ñ³Ä±ß¨«¨ì Station-1 ªº Friday...¤U¦¸¤@©w­n¦í´X±ß¤~¬O¡C


Guest 07-Nov-2005 10:59
hi Maggie,

This is Rick again, remember? I checked with you for Boracay info....
can you please give me a call shortly tht i urge to go there next week: 0939741171
i need your help for the flight arrange... Rick
Rick 05-Oct-2005 08:43
Hi Maggie,

Thanks of your hospitality of introduction just on fone, excellent!

Hope i'll have good trip then... btw, this is really cute site!

cheers, Rick
Bobby Wong Jr.30-Sep-2005 07:38

From your wonderfully artistic pictures, I can see you've visited the Philippines many many times. Yes, Club Paradise (Coron, Northern Palawan) is nice for snorkeling. Or Miniloc or Lagen Island (Western Palawan) is nice for photography and exploring wild areas.

Good luck. Bobby.
Boogier Chen/½Þ¥Íª¯¾i¿ß±a¤j02-Sep-2005 05:50
to Meggie

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Brando Ho16-Aug-2005 06:53
Hello Maggie,
I just stopped by your galleries!! I like the mixture of subject and colors. A job well done!!
Besati25-May-2005 14:35
Hi Anthony and Meggie,

Thank you for visting my "Home Town" gallery. You've been to HK twice already this year! That's incredible. Hope you had enjoyed your stay, particularly your visit to Snoopyland. It's just a 2-hours' flight and we are actually closer than what we believe. Next time when you come, remember to take more pictures of this fascinating place. Do come back often and see my updates.

Best Wishes