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All Cameras >> Olympus >> Olympus E-10

Olympus E-10 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 24-Aug-2000
Megapixels: 4.1
Random Olympus E-10 Samples from 15512 available Photos more
u8/tremont/medium/1406592.ljd643.jpg u6/tremont/medium/6343546.operator738.jpg u15/undieyatch/medium/41967597.P4076313cuturiab.jpg u22/rangerb3/medium/20606240.P7093433a.jpg
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g9/87/563687/3/158175110.C2U8zl5y.jpg g9/14/1172414/3/158643049.uglxDv80.jpg g12/48/845348/3/171476041.rCQ23Fub.jpg u12/turystka/medium/2932595.01.jpg

Ed20-May-2011 12:45
In 2011 still going strong after 10+ years
What else can one say?
koalalover413-Oct-2008 02:16
When someone as talented as Mr. Berry lends his recommendation to a piece a photographic equipment, it deserves serious consideration. I own 2 E-10's also. Great camera and built like a tank!
Guest 13-Jul-2007 15:31
At the prices they now sell at, no enthusiastic photographer should be without either an E-10 or E-20. They aren't built for speed but they're so luxurious to just cruise with because the controls don't need to be cramped so they're easily used entirely by feel if necessary. When in manual exposure, there is a separate wheel for speed and aperture. You don't accidentally press a button and change a mode because each press has to be locked into place.

Not very expensive lens converters offer 28mm or 200mm lenses each of f2 - match those for price with an interchangeable lens camera! Ideal studio cameras with either IR or cable remote controls. Maybe a bit heavy for some users though - definitely better for car users.
Wendy & Larry Burke27-Apr-2006 10:35
Great camera !! I have 2 E10 and E20 , I love them and second hand as cheap as you like , the optics just stunning . Take a look

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