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Barry Culling | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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John 13-Jul-2013 23:23
tHEY ARE BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS and their presentation is excellent.
I used to be a press photographer on the London Daily Sketch taking very rough sort of photos but I still strive to get nice photos for record purposes. John Benson-Cooper (I have three paintings on display)
barry culling 07-Nov-2012 22:17
hiya! we have the same name!!! I from UK! ..pointless message, but its an unusual name!
Guest 27-Sep-2012 10:02
Mr Culling - your photos are certainly kept this talent quiet when we were prelim partners!
KHANZAIB AYUB25-May-2010 08:51
helleo,god job
Elaine 01-Jan-2009 07:54
Incredible moments on faces and of places. Thanks for sharing.
Bruce Hesketh 12-Jan-2008 04:57
Love your work Barry,you have very special talent. Bruce.
Cronulla ,Sydney
anthony195723-Aug-2007 03:47
Just discovered your work through "forum" and your Aussie flag waving. Marvellous collection of quality images Baz! I will be dropping by again to see more of your work.
photo by Ribes 02-Jul-2007 19:08
Hello, Excellent work. Thank you, I love much the gallery "Windows" I love this project
ciao (and sorry for my bad english)
Guest 08-May-2007 06:43
Dear Barry,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 08-Mar-2007 12:59
I love your work. Thanks for sharing.
Federico D'IncĂ 27-Feb-2007 08:00
Great stuff barry, tks for sharing ...!!
Elizabeth Burns13-Dec-2006 04:41
you have a wonderful eye for photgraphy I have fully enjoyed your galleries and enjoyed looking thru them..Have a nice holiday
Bronwyn Culling 25-Aug-2006 03:14
Hi there Barry
Absolutely love your work, wonderful photos. You definitely have an ability to capture something special with every photo you take, but then I've known that for a long time, I'm just glad others are able to share it now as well!!
Guest 28-Jun-2006 03:23
Nice photos you have here... :)
Guest 15-Jun-2006 00:19
From: "Hernan & Dorothy Enriquez"
Subject: yOUR PICS
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 19:51:18 -0400
I wrote you a coment refering to grain but now I know where those shots are coming from! They are faboulous and we are luky to have you share with us! As a new photog in the aircraft field I do suffer from grain, softness, oversharpnes, in total anything that the screeners can come up with even though I love my shots. Your galleries are awsome and they are in my favorites, my stuff is at I started shooting as a hobby in Oct 2005. In the last month I have gone from the Konica Minolta Z10 to the Canon S2 IS. Thank you for your patience but you are an outstanding photographer and I can only learn fron you! Sincerelly Hernan
Guest 03-Jun-2006 08:51
Excellent collection of images. I like it!
Emad Omar22-May-2006 11:57
I have finally got around to this gallery - it is awesome
please check out my gallery
Guest 28-Mar-2006 21:11
I am really enjoying your galleries Barry. You are very talented. I have added you to my favourites so I can continue to see your work. Vickie
barry culling 20-Mar-2006 16:01
hiya barry culling, uve got the same name as me!!!!!!! best wishes wiv ur wrk! barry culling, england
Richard Haas 25-Nov-2005 22:06
Could you please contact me . Thanks in advance
Guest 15-Jul-2005 08:57
who is that perfect speciman of a man playing lawn bowls..
Marc Vermeulen08-Mar-2005 11:00
really nice galleries
Rene Hales03-Mar-2005 03:27
You have a very good eye and some very nice images. I really enjoy REFLECTIONS.--Rene
jane 21-Jan-2005 02:29

Love ya work Barry! I especially like the picture of Sydney harbour taken from the plane. Aren't you clever? keep up the good work!!

:) Jane