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Framed Samples

This is only a sampling of the type of framing and matting that maybe available. I have a variety of frames and multiple colors. I double matte all my photographs myself and color coordinate these mattes as best as I see them. Please e-mail me with specific requests.
Note: Some color frames or mattes may not be available at the time of ordering.
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Tulip rainbow
Tulip rainbow
Radiant Tulip
Radiant Tulip
Cymbidium dream 2
Cymbidium dream 2
Callas by night
Callas by night
Fuschia curves 2
Fuschia curves 2
bald eagle full front
bald eagle full front
White peacock
White peacock
yellow green paraqueet
yellow green paraqueet
humming bird
humming bird
toucan 2
toucan 2
bald eagle
bald eagle
Hidden face of Autumn
Hidden face of Autumn
Mexican dancing woman
Mexican dancing woman
butterfly 3
butterfly 3
cnydarian ballet
cnydarian ballet
yellow butterfly 2
yellow butterfly 2
Excuse me
Excuse me
rhino and baby
rhino and baby
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