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Non-existent gallery specified in URL. Displaying jkurkjia's root gallery.
Joseph Kurkjian | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
... IMPORTANT ... Please read the following "before" browsing through my galleries: whenever you visit a Pbase gallery for the first time, or if you have clicked on a size smaller than "original size" while visiting this or any other Pbase gallery, please be sure to click on "original" size, otherwise you will be presented with a low quality JPEG as versus the high quality JPEG (the size doesn't change, only the quality level of the JPEG compression); you only have to do this once, on the very first picture you look at. Alternatively, on the very first picture you can add "/original" to the URL in the address bar and hit "refresh" or "go" as the case may be; again, you only have to do this once (on the very first picture). This "/original to the URL" approach is the sure-fire/no-mistake/best way to ensure you will see the highest quality JPEG presentation.
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The Animal Kingdom
:: The Animal Kingdom ::
:: Scenery ::
Flowers and Plants
:: Flowers and Plants ::
Places, Things, and Events
:: Places, Things, and Events ::
Various Tests
:: Various Tests ::
Photography & Web-Speak Acronyms
:: Photography & Web-Speak Acronyms ::
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